
Production Control System Production Control System

This project is centered on the production control system which is being operated manually due to the numerous problems encountered and over payment.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



This project is centered on the production control system which is being operated manually due to the numerous problems encountered and over payment. A measure was taken to computerized. The system  order to check this problems  were identified after service of interviews and examination of document as after which analysis will be made and a computerized procedure is recommended. This project will also suggest how to successfully, implement the computerized procedure and how overcome the obstacles that would hinder the successfully implementation of the system.

TABLE of content

Title page……………………………………….…………………………………….….i


Dedication ………………………………………..…….……………………………….iii


Abstract ……………………………………………………………………….…….…….v

Table of content………………………………………………….……….……


  • Introduction……………………………………………………………………1-5

1.1 Objectives of the study…………………………………………………………………..5

1.2  scope of the study…………………………………………………………….6

1.3  limitations………………………………………………………………………….6

  • Definition of terms…………………………………………………………7-9


2.0 literature review……………………………………………………………………7

2.1 production control system in perspective……………………….10

  • Management system……………………………………………………….10
  • Selling system…………………………………………………………….10-11

2.4 production system……………..……………………………………………..11

  • Product distribution system…………………………………………….11
  • Financial system…………………………………………………………11-12

2.7 engineering system……………………………………………………………12

2.8 manufacturing system…………………………………………………13-14


3.0 methodology and analysis of the present system………………15

  • Introduction………………………………………………………………………..15

3.2 methodology …………………………………………………………………..15-16

3.3 description of the new system……………………………………….17-18

  • Problem and weakness of the present system……………..18-19
  • Data flow diagram of the present system ……………………….19

3.6 basics of control system…………………………………………………19-20


  • Analysis and design……………………………………………………………21

4.1 objectives of the new system……………………………………………..21

4.2  database specification ………………………………………………………..22

2.2.1 company monitoring database…………………………………………..23

4.2.2   input and out design and new project ……………………………24

4.3 justification of programming language ………………………………25

4.2.4 proposed high level model main menu of the system…….26

4.2.5 program module flow chart and new project…………………..27

4.3 justification of programming language……………………………….28


5.0 summary, conclusion and recommendation………………………..29

5.1 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………..29

5.3  Recommendations………………………………………………………….29-30





The common denominator in all of these questions is that there is some physical quantity that must be somehow controlled in a way that ensures that the physical quantity takes on the value that is specified.  There are even times when the physical quantity should take on some pre-determined values that follow a function of time.  (An example of that would be landing an airplane where you want the plane to meet the ground following a specified curve.)  We need to think about how to control physical quantities in general, and to determine what can be done – in a general way – to implement any schem we devise.

What is clear is that if you want to control a system, you need to know what you want it to do, and you need to know how well it is doing.  That implies a couple of things.  First, you need to know what you want the system to do.  There are lots of ways you can do that.  For example, in your home you set a temperature by dialing it into the thermostat.  That’s the way you tell the system what you want it to do.  When an airplane is landing there is a radar beacon at the far end of the runway that tells the aircraft if it is too high or too low, too far right or too far left, and how much in all those cases.  There are any number of ways you can tell a system what you want it to do.  You can turn a dial, type a number into a computer program, or you can use some other physical quantity.  (An example of that is trying to point an antenna at a weather or communications satellite.  The satellite’s position – which might be predictable with an astronomical formula – gives the system the information it needs on where the antenna has to point.)  One way or another, the control system has to know what it has to do.

The other thing that the control system has to know is how well the system is doing.  That radar antenna at the end of the runway when the airplane is landing tells the airplane what to do, but it also tells the airplane where it is at (up/down and left/right) and how far off the desired position the aircraft is.  The thermostat tells the system whether the temperature is above or below where it is desired to be.  You can use temperature sensors, pressure sensors, tachometers and many other sensors that measure physical variables to get a handle on system performance.  One way or the other, the system has to measure or monitor its performance.

Once you have the information on how well the system is performing, you have to do something with that information.  The problem the control system designer faces is to determine how to use the information available to develop and apply a control signal that will make the system do what he or she wants it to do.  At this point in these lessons that what you are just starting to learn.

As you think about what you have to do to control a system, you realize that the information about how well a system is performing – usually taken at the output of the system – has to be fed back around the system to the input and compared somehow with the input – the information about what you want the system to do – and that comparison gives you the information you need to produce/develp and apply a control signal.  Feeding back that performance information is what gives us the idea of feedback and feedback control systems.

In a feedback control system, information about performance is measured and that information is used to correct how the system performs.  It’s common.  It’s used in the human body over and over again to correct body temperature, the amount of light that hits your retina, and lots of things you never have to think about.  But feedback systems don’t exist only in the natural world.  They’re ubiquitous in the man-made world also.  You’ll find feedback control systems in chemical process plants, plants that package food, plants that make steel, in transportation vehicles to keep the vehicle on course at a desired speed.  They’re everywhere, and they don’t always happen naturally, so you need to learn about how to design them.

The individuals who design control systems are a special group.  You will often find electrical engineers who design control systems for aircraft of chemical plants.  Designing control systems takes a person who can bring together various disparate aspects of a system and make them work together, and often that process is highly analytical and mathematical.  You will need to learn how to use all the things you know about systems and bring them together to produce a good design.


The objectives of  production of control system

Product quality : targets on quality and maximum acceptable variation may be set:

  • Inventory control: flow rates through the system and allowable accumulations may be specified
  • Safety : limits may be placed on certain key variables; trips and failsafes may need to be designed
  • Equipment protection: limits may be placed on some variables to prevent equipment damage, e.g. flowrates through pumps may have a minimum allowable value.
  • Environmental protection: quantities and qualities of effluents, and occasional omissions, need to be kept within acceptable limits.
  • Efficiency and optimisation: the process needs to operate in a way that maximises its contribution to profitability.


In carrying out this research on production of control system.  This shows that my investigations and findings would base within the directory system of the control premises.  The study will cover also the transaction, problem remedies of directory for  system control.


In any research work, there are bound to be limitation which hinders one from handing his owns work easily.  Mean while, in carrying out this project work, it took me much time visiting the different companies within collect information which a times I would not get

Secondly, to visit all these companies  I spent a lot of money because I have to move from one companies to the other in order to get their names and addresses.  So, financial problem constitute to part of the limitation because a times I would not see money to travel with.

Finally, I had experienced a hard time with most managers of these companies as hey refuse to give me the relevant information I needed, like their telephone number.

  1. Computer: This can be defined as an electronic device or machine capable of accepting input (instructions and data) through an input device such as keyboard, mouse etc. and with the help of stored logic (program0 performs series of logical operations on data to give out meaningful result called information through the output devices like the printer without human intervention.
  2. Data: this is seen as raw materials with which the computer works with. It can in form of numeric, alphabet or alphanumeric.
  3. Data flow diagram: this means logical model of system design that is of a special view, also the diagrammatical representation of a particular system.
  4. Data base specification: this involves various variable names used in the program database development.
  5. Information: this means processed data or the result gotten after process in data.
  6. Structured system analysis design methodology (SSADM): this means the method used in analyzing, designing and structuring a system.
  7. System analysis and design: this is the process of investigating analyzing, installating and evaluating of an information system.

However, a management system that in addition provides all necessary transaction processing for government or organization.

According to Gordon B. Davis (2006) in a book titled “management information system” said that the advert of computers but computers made the idea feacible systems for data collecting, processing, storing retrieving and distribution of information. The computer has added a new and powerful technology to information systems. Hence computer based information system can radically differ from other systems using manual or electromechanical process. Organizations and government change their information system in response to this technology, consequently their adjustment backs adequate understanding of it’s nature when the changes are made.

Oparah C.C. and Oguike O.E in their book “management information system (MIS) viewed computer as a versatile system that has the ability to store and retain information and data. This achieved because the computer systems are equipped with both internal and external memory. The quantity or volume of information or data that the computer can store depends on the Storage capacity can store depends on the storage capacity of the computer memory.

Anuonye Inno Vin C. in his book  “computers and computing” viewed computer as an electrical and electronic machine that is capable of accepting instructions and data through an input device such as keyboard, mouse and with the help of stored logic programs and perform series of logical operations on data to give out meaningful result called. Information through an output device without human intervention. From this definition, computer has the ability to input, store, process and brings out output which is regarded as information.


2.0                         LITERATURE REVIEW


An enterprise has a wide variety of functions. Its business activities are implemented by connecting one another for a better harmony with them, allowing it continue as a going concern. Generally, basic functions relating to the corporate activities are seen as systems, which are mainly categorized into the following five ones


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